Помогите пожалуйста. 60 балов. Английский язык. Одно упражнение



Ответ дал: Пеппер


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Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


2. I go to school every morning. I went to school yesterday.

3. Sue often asks questions. She asked a question yesterday.

4. I watched a movie on television last night. I usually watch TV in the evening because I want to improve my English.

5. Mike cooked his own dinner yesterday evening. He always cooks his dinner every evening.

6. I usually work home at night because I have to study. I worked home last night.

7. I have a job at the library, I stay at the library every evening. I stayed there yesterday evening. 8. When I am asleep I often dream .I dreamed about my family last night. 9. Linda usually waits for the bus at a bus stop in front of her apartment building. She waited for the bus there yesterday morning. 10.The teacher erased some words from the board a couple of minutes ago. He used his hand instead of eraser.


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