4. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1. I live in the village.
2. Habil doesn't like the village.
3. My friend's family has a
summer house in Bilgah.
4. They have many flowers in their garden.
5. We don't like sitting in the yard.
6. On hot summer days we go swimming
in the sea.


Ответ дал: GxngSchool

I live in the village. My friend Habil lives in Baku. He usually comes to our summer house during summer. He likes our village. This summer I have my summer holi days in Baku with my friend family. They have a very nice summer house in Bilgah. You can see many tree in the garden. There are many fruit trees in the garden. On hot summer days we sit under the tree and eat a lot of fruit. Sometimes we go to the Caspian sea. We swim in the sea and play games

1. T

2. F (He likes the village)

3. T

4. F (They have many fruit trees in the garden)

5. Ds

6. F (On hot summer days we sit under the tree and eat a lot of fruit.)

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