У більшості наведених нижче речень є помилки. Знайти і виправте.

1 John can’t speak English. – Either does his wife.

2 John will come to the party. – So does his wife.

3 Cats don’t like salt. – Neither like dogs.

4 Uncle doesn’t enjoy riding a bike. – So doesn’t aunt.

5 The trees need water. – So the flowers do.

6 There aren’t any pens in the bag. – Neither pencils are.

7 Magazines aren’t sold here. – And newspapers aren’t, too.

8 I can knit. – And grandmother can either.

9 Birds can fly. – So airplanes can, too.

10 Father won’t be there tonight. – Neither won’t mother.


Ответ дал: uzchikzagr


John can’t speak English. - Neither can his wife.

John will come to the party. - So will his wife.

Cats don’t like salt. - Neither do dogs.

Uncle doesn’t enjoy riding a bike. - Neither does aunt.

The trees need water. - So do the flowers.

There aren’t any pens in the bag. - Neither are there any pencils.

Magazines aren’t sold here. - And neither are newspapers.

I can knit. - And so can grandmother.

Birds can fly. - So can airplanes.

Father won’t be there tonight. - Neither will mother.

Аноним: Спасибо большое. Вы мне очень помогли)
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