1. Do you like the traditions of our nation? 2. Did you attend the wedding ceremony of another nationality? 3. If yes, did you see the difference between a Kazakh wedding and a wedding of another nationality? 4. What other wedding traditions do you know? 5. Why do you think we keep all these traditions?​


Ответ дал: vaisliyshka

1)Yes, because I like our kind of traditions it's different from other nations and for me it's better.

2) No, but I think it will be interesting to see another kind of wedding and see another culture and traditions.

3)I have not seen, but I think that it still differs in traditions, customs, deeds and actions.

4) for example the Chinese wedding ceremony is an essential part of the wedding. It's a time for family, friends, and even strangers to celebrate together. They also wear red shoes, which symbolize good luck during this happy occasion!

5)I think because each country should have its own individual traditions that will belong only to it and describe only this country.


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