Срочно помогите! 3 Complete the second sentence using too. mu 1 The question's very difficult and I can't answer it. The question's too difficult (for me) to answer. The book's very long so I won't finish it tonight. 2 The book's. finish tonight. 3 The story's very difficult so they can't understand it. The story's. understand. 4 The review's very short so I can't put it on the website. The review's. put on the website. 5 She speaks very fast so I can't understand her. She speaks. understand her. 6 He writes very badly - I can't read his handwriting! He writes. read his handwriting! 7 He doesn't play games online because his computer is very slow. His computer is. online. 8 It's very hot - I can't sleep! It's. sleep! games​



Ответ дал: ingacibotaru02


2) The book's too long to finish it tonight.

3) The story's too difficult for them to understand.

4) The review's too short to put on the website.

5) She speaks too fast for me to understand.

6) He writes too badly for me to read his handwriting.

7) His computer is too slow to play games online.

8) It's too hot for me to sleep!

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