8. What do some people use to 'go to work'? a) a sandwich b) a chair c) a bus d) a window 9. What or who do many people like to 'hang out' with? a) fish b) friends c) doctors d) lunch 10. Which of the following things is an example of a 'hobby'? a) doing homework b) taking a shower c) reading d) sleeping 11. What do you need to know before you can use a 'schedule'? a) how much something costs b) a person's name c) how old something is d) the day and the time 12. When do some people like to 'take a nap'? When they are ... a) tired b) hungry c) late d) busy​


Ответ дал: Masterotvetovj



Some people use a bus to 'go to work'.

Many people like to 'hang out' with friends.

Reading is an example of a 'hobby'.

Before using a 'schedule', you need to know the day and the time.

Some people like to 'take a nap' when they are tired.

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