5 Complete the text with the Present Perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

July 1st

Phew! I'm tired! We ¹have done (do) a lot this evening, but now it's nearly time for bed. Our guests 2____ (go) home. They 3____ (not eat) all the food, so we don't have to cook
tomorrow! Dave 4dishes and I 5.___(wash) the dirty 6____(put) them away. Dad (not clean) the barbecue and we (not tidy) the living room. That can wait.
Помогите пожалуйста! Нужно в правильной форме поставить.


Ответ дал: ksbysh2


2. have been

3. haven't eaten

4. dishes?

5. have washed

6. have put (тому що put - put - put, irregular verbs)

7. hasn't cleaned

7. haven't tidied

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