Fill in the gaps with was/were/wasn’t/weren’t/did/didn’t.(Заповнити)
a) We… the History museum on our weekend
b)… at school on Sunday?
c)I….at home on my winter holiday.
d) The weather….fine on the weekends.
e)I… with my dolls last evening, I studies Maths.
f)I….walk in the park yesterday, I cleaned my room.


Ответ дал: lilegorodnikovoj


a) We weren't  in the History museum on our weekend.

b) Were you at school on Sunday?

c) I was at home on my winter holiday.

d) The weather wasn't fine on the weekends.

e) I didn't play with my dolls last evening, I studied Maths.

f) I didn't walk in the park yesterday, I cleaned my room.


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