Rewrite these observations with the modal verb in brackets so that the meaning is the same.

a) I'm sure you're really cold! (must) You must be really cold!

b) I'm sure you're joking. (must)

c) I'm sure your keys aren't far away. (can't)

d) Perhaps you won't enjoy the film. (might not)

e) I'm sure you know who she is. (must) f) I'm sure it's not far from here. (can't)

g) Perhaps you'll meet the love of your life. (might) h) I'm sure she isn't that old. (can't)


Ответ дал: ismailva43
b) You must be joking.

c) Your keys can't be far away.

d) You might not enjoy the film.

e) You must know who she is.

f) It can't be far from here.

g) You might meet the love of your life.

h) She can't be that old.

Аноним: прошу вас
Аноним: у меня в профиле
ismailva43: Киньте ссылку
Аноним: вот
Аноним: помогите пожалуйста
Аноним: вы уже открыли ссылку?
Аноним: здравствуйте можете мне пожалуйста помочь с русским языком мне очень нужно пожалуйста
Аноним: прошу вас
Аноним: я вам ссылку скинула
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