3 Fill in It's / He's / She's / They're. 1. Thank you for your advice. It's funny. 3. I brush my teeth every day. 4. Look at the woman. hard. good. 2. I like mice. healthy. beautiful. 5. Businessmen work always busy. 6. You should eat a lot of fruit. good for your health. 7. My uncle is a fisherman. fishing now.​


Ответ дал: novichek21

Thank you for your advice. It's funny.

I like mice. They're healthy.

He brushes his teeth every day.

Look at the woman. She's hard-working. She's good-looking.

Businessmen are always busy.

You should eat a lot of fruit. It's good for your health.

My uncle is a fisherman. He's fishing now.

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