Task I: Read the text and complete. Use the sentences below. a. I shouted “Stop thief!” b. He asked the man a lot of questions and made notes in his notebook. c. I stayed with my aunt and uncle and two cousins. d. First, we decided to look at the shops. e. I wanted to find a present for my baby sister. f. In the toy shop a man took a toy dog from a shelf A Town Adventure Last year I went to London for my holiday. (1) ________ . My cousins from England are good fun and I always enjoy staying there. My mum and dad stayed at home with my baby sister. One day I went to Piccadilly Circus with my cousins. (2) ________ . My cousins wanted to buy some new clothes and CDs and (3) _______. I saw a wonderful toy shop and we went in to buy a toy rabbit for her. (4) _______ and didn’t pay for it. Then he walked to the shop door. (5) _______ . I pointed at the man and all the people in the shop looked at him. The man tried to run out of the shop but two people stopped him. Then the shopkeeper telephoned the police. A police officer came and he found the toy dog and some other toys in the thief’s bag. (6) _______ . After that the police officer took the man to the police station – and I bought my toy rabbit! Task II: Make up yes-no questions to the sentences: 1. Tracy likes yogurt. _________________________________________ ? 2. You like hot chocolate. _________________________________________ ? 3. The children are in the garden. _________________________________________ ? 4. She has got seven pears. _________________________________________ ? 5. He got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. _________________________________________ ? 6. He is cleaning his teeth now. _________________________________________​


Ответ дал: igogo121314

Task I: Here is the completed text with the sentences in the correct order:

A Town Adventure

Last year I went to London for my holiday. (1) I stayed with my aunt and uncle and two cousins. My cousins from England are good fun and I always enjoy staying there. My mum and dad stayed at home with my baby sister. One day I went to Piccadilly Circus with my cousins. (2) First, we decided to look at the shops. My cousins wanted to buy some new clothes and CDs and (3) I wanted to find a present for my baby sister. I saw a wonderful toy shop and we went in to buy a toy rabbit for her. (4) In the toy shop a man took a toy dog from a shelf and didn’t pay for it. Then he walked to the shop door. (5) I shouted “Stop thief!”. I pointed at the man and all the people in the shop looked at him. The man tried to run out of the shop but two people stopped him. Then the shopkeeper telephoned the police. A police officer came and he found the toy dog and some other toys in the thief’s bag. (6) He asked the man a lot of questions and made notes in his notebook. After that the police officer took the man to the police station – and I bought my toy rabbit!

Task II: Here are yes-no questions for each sentence:

1. Does Tracy like yogurt?

2. Do you like hot chocolate?

3. Are the children in the garden?

4. Does she have seven pears?

5. Did he get up at 7 o’clock yesterday?

6. Is he cleaning his teeth now?

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