Помогите, срочно, даю 50 баллов
Упражнение 1. Сопоставьте:

1) 3/5 a) twenty-four and one eighth;
2) 2% b) nineteen oh five
3) ½ c) three fifths
4) 2.5% d) two per cent
5) 24 1/8 e) a/one half
6) 101 f) two point five per cent
7) 1 ½ g) a/one hundred and one
8) 50% h) one and a half
9) 365 i) one thousand one hundred
10) 1905 j) fifty per cent
11) 1,100 k) three hundred and sixty five
Упражнение 2. Напишите словами.

1. 13; 2. 14; 3. 30; 4. 80; 5. 99; 6. 2nd; 7. 3rd; 8. 40th;

9. 100th; 10. 1/2; 11. 1/4; 12. 1/50; 13. 1/100; 14. 1/7


Ответ дал: yariy39297

Упражнение 1. Сопоставьте:

1) 3/5 - c) three fifths

2) 2% - d) two per cent

3) ½ - e) a/one half

4) 2.5% - f) two point five per cent

5) 24 1/8 - a) twenty-four and one eighth

6) 101 - g) a/one hundred and one

7) 1 ½ - h) one and a half

8) 50% - j) fifty per cent

9) 365 - k) three hundred and sixty five

10) 1905 - b) nineteen oh five

11) 1,100 - i) one thousand one hundred

Упражнение 2. Напишите словами.

1. thirteen

2. fourteen

3. thirty

4. eighty

5. ninety-nine

6. second

7. third

8. fortieth

9. hundredth

10. one half

11. one fourth

12. one fiftieth

13. one hundredth

14. one seventh

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