II. Form degrees of comparison (comparative and superlative) 1. Big → 2. Interesting → 3. Good → 4. Bad → 5. Small →→ 6. Comfortable → III. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Perfect 1. I 2. Pat 3. My father 4. We 5. The students 6. (just/finish) my homework. (not/phone) Kim recently. (go) to Lviv last summer. already (see) Julia. you ever..... (not/do) their lessons yet. ..(meet) a famous people? СРОЧНООО ДАМ БЫЛЫ ​



Ответ дал: zabavatola


Пояснення:Big - Bigger - Biggest

Interesting - More interesting - Most interesting

Good - Better - Best

Bad - Worse - Worst

Small - Smaller - Smallest

Comfortable - More comfortable - Most comfortable

II. Past Simple or Past Perfect:

I had just finished my homework.

Pat did not phone Kim recently.

My father went to Lviv last summer.

We had already seen Julia.

The students had not done their lessons yet.

Have you ever met famous people?

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