Choose the correct form of the verbs in the sentences below.
1 I never ate / could never eat snake unless I was/ 'd be very hungry!
2 You would like / Would you like to taste jellyfish salad if you got /'d get the chance? 3 If I had /'d have to choose between giving up chocolate or pizza, I gave up /'d give up chocolate!
4 If I was/'d be a fugu chef, I was / might be a little worried about poisoning my customers! 5 Unless I picked /'d pick them myself, I never ate /'d never eat wild mushrooms. They could be poisonous!
6 If someone offered / would offer you food you didn't like / wouldn't like, what you would say / would you say?


Ответ дал: saladomic

1. I could never eat steak unless I was very hungry.

2. Would you like to taste jellyfish salad if you got the chance.

3. If I had to choose between giving up chocolate and pizza, I'd give up chocolate!

4. If I was a fugu chef, I might be a little worried about poisoning my customers.

5. Unless I picked them myself. I'd never eat wild mushrooms. They could be poisonous!

6. If someone offered you food you didn't like, what would you say?

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