Помогите пожалуйста разобраться!!!!!!!!!

4 Look at Ken's notes. Write a blog post about his favourite day. name: Ken favourite day: Friday get up: 7.00 meet friends: 7.30 walk to school, always talk about TV morning: Computer Studies afternoon: P.E. (favourite subjects!) dinnertime: fish and chips (love!) evening: play basketball 8 p.m.

My name is Ken and my favourite day is​


Ответ дал: bethharmon



Итак, нужно написать пост в блоге парня по имени Кен о его любимом дне недели, опираясь на сделанные им заметки и привычки.

Hi there, I'm Ken, and I want to share my ultimate favorite day – Friday! It kicks off at 7:00 AM, and by 7:30 AM, I'm with my pals, walking to school and chatting about the latest TV shows. The morning is all about Computer Studies – I love solving challenges and exploring new software. After that, it's time for P.E., where the thrill of sports keeps me buzzing. But wait, lunch is a real treat – fish and chips! The evening wraps up with an intense basketball game at 8:00 PM. Friday is a perfect blend of friends, learning, delicious food, and exciting activity. It's my recipe for happiness!

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