10 What do they do every day? Match and say. 1 play board games 2 juggle 3 play chess a Gulnara bSultan (√√) (X) (√√√) © (Ulan 4 do a jigsaw puzzle 5 go bowling 6 play video games d/Marzhan Gulnara usually plays board games. (√√) Aizhan 880 f Berik Over to you: What do you always, usually, sometimes, never do at the weekend? Tell your friend. Jalways watch TV at the weekend.​


Ответ дал: chotame


Certainly, here's the matching of activities to people:

1. play board games - Gulnara (√√)

2. juggle - Sultan (X)

3. play chess - Ulan (√√√)

4. do a jigsaw puzzle - Marzhan

5. go bowling - Aizhan

6. play video games - Berik

Regarding the question "What do you always, usually, sometimes, never do at the weekend?" and the response "I always watch TV at the weekend," this sentence correctly uses the adverb "always" to indicate a habitual action. If you have more questions or need further assistance, please let me know!

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