

Ответ дал: ifh0
Darren Hi, Barry. What's up?
Barry Not much.
Darren How's the band going?
Barry Well, we've stopped for the moment.
Darren Why is that?
Barry My parents don't let us go somewhere else to practice.
Darren How about practicing at my house?
Barry You reckon?
Darren Yeah. They always like listening to us play.
Barry Great. Would you like to come over now?
Darren Sure. Could you get my jacket for me? It's right behind you.

Steve Hey, some friends of mine are planning to go sailing on Saturday morning. Are you interested in coming?
George Sure. I love doing water sports. And the weather should be nice. What time?
Steve We've arranged to meet at my house at half past five.
George In the morning?! No way. I hate waking up early at the weekend.
Steve But we need to start early so we can get the most out of the day.
George Sorry. I might join you if you leave a bit later. But half past five is too early. OK, maybe another time.
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