складіть 10 речень з present perfect


Ответ дал: gordinanazara
1. I have already met my old friend this week.
2. She has just finished reading this book.
3. We have just returned from our trip to Paris.
4. I have just had a delicious lunch.
5. They have already watched the latest episode of this series.
6. I have just learned a new word in English.
7. My sister has got a wonderful job.
8. They have just moved into a new house.
9. I have seen this movie twice already.
10. Yesterday morning, I visited the doctor.
Ответ дал: hudedanya

1. I have already finished my homework.

2. They haven't eaten breakfast today.

3. She has always wanted to visit Paris, and she has finally done it.

4. We have just completed the renovation in our house.

5. This movie has been released yesterday.

6. I haven't met my old friend yet.

7. They have already learned English.

8. Have you ever visited South America?

9. We have eaten all the donuts we bought this morning.

10. They have recently returned from a trip to Japan.

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