Complete the sentences with was/wasn't or were/weren't.
l ¹___born in Chicago on 22nd June 1977, but my parents ²___American. They ³___ from Ireland. My mother's name ⁴___ Elizabeth and my father's name ⁵___ lan. My mother ⁶___very old when l ⁷___born. she ⁸__17 and my father ⁹__
19.when l ¹⁰__12 years old, we moved to Miami in Florida. It ¹¹___lovely and hot there. We ¹²___a rich family, but we ¹³___happy. ​


Ответ дал: 8fp48kpgw9
Here are the sentences completed with the appropriate forms of "was/were":

I was born in Chicago on 22nd June 1977, but my parents weren't American.
They were from Ireland.
My mother's name was Elizabeth and my father's name was Ian.
My mother wasn't very old when I was born.
She was 17 and my father was 19.
When I was 12 years old, we moved to Miami in Florida.
It was lovely and hot there.
We weren't a rich family, but we were happy.
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