Make up sentences using the following words.

1. the law of universal gravitation/Isaac Newton/ was discovered/ by

2. the phonograph and a light bulb/Thomas Edison/invented /were/ by

3 the first astronomical telescope/ was/ Galileo/constructed / by

4. the formula for the volume of a sphere/Archimedes/discovered / by/ was

5. x-rays/Roentgen/discovered/ were/ by


Ответ дал: vvlytvynovafpo22


Here are the sentences using the provided words:

1. **Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation, forever changing our understanding of the cosmos.**

2. **Thomas Edison, the "Wizard of Menlo Park," invented the phonograph and a light bulb, illuminating the world and its sounds.**

3. **Galileo, wielding the power of curiosity, constructed the first astronomical telescope, peering into the heavens and ushering in a new era of cosmic exploration.**

4. **Archimedes, bathed in the Eureka moment, discovered the formula for the volume of a sphere, revealing a geometric truth for all time.**

5. **X-rays, invisible yet potent, were discovered by Roentgen, opening a new window into the unseen and revolutionizing medical diagnosis.**

I hope these sentences are both informative and engaging!


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