Task 2

d) a long piece of school work

e) you study it at school e. g. Science

Circle the right verb.

1 Why is /Are Maths difficult for many students ?

2 My headmaster's surname is/are Mr. Roberts

3 Do/Does students study hard for their tests?

4 lan is/are absent today.

5 is/are English difficult for you?

Task 3

Use the words to make sentences about the future.

Use the Present Continuous or Present Simple.

1 The English course/finish/on 7 May.

21/not/go/to London tomorrow.

3 My sister/get/married next December.

4 My train/leave/at 8.45.


Ответ дал: Olgerden


Task 2:

1. Why is Maths difficult for many students?

2. My headmaster's surname is Mr. Roberts.

3. Do students study hard for their tests?

4. Ian is absent today.

5. Is English difficult for you?

Task 3:

1. The English course finishes on 7 May.

2. I am not going to London tomorrow.

3. My sister is getting married next December.

4. My train leaves at 8.45.

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