срочно Reading Taskt. Read the test and answer the questions EAGLE-HUNTING IN KAZAKHSTAN Mic ding powerful buses and looking up at their eagles men in bug for hats. The village of Nura in the south east of Kanakhstan has bees for the traditional sport of eagle hunting Nura has 14 Buri- the name giren as the people who but with eagies. There are only 40 in the whole of large number for such a small eagle hunting has been popular in Central Asia for many centuries, and today more me more There is a lot of skill needed to hunt with a big bird birds and the Burkishi need to be careful, strong, wis pey like an eagle. They are powerful and unpredictab and patient to work with them. Eagle-hunting is not sport for everyone. The sport is also helping to look after the eagles Karakhstan, which are now an endangered speci Once the sport of Central Asian rulers, let's hope th the traditional sport of eagle-hunting continues to gr in popularity and helps to successfully protect the beautiful birds I. What can you see in the sky above the village of Nura? 2. Which mountains are near the village of Nura? 3. What does the Burkishi often wear? What qualities does the Burkishi need to work with eagles? Why is the sport of eagle-hunting good for eagles? Who was the sport popular with in the past?​



Ответ дал: maksminimmm


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