It is autumn. It is September. It is Pinky’s birthday today. She is eight months.
She has got two presents: Blackie’s present and my present. Blackie’s present
is a small red ball and my present is a box of chocolates. Mrs Paw visits us in
the morning. She gives Pinky a big birthday cake and goes home because
she has got a baby son there.
Pinky makes tea for us. We drink tea and eat chocolates together. Then we
play with a small red ball. We play and play. Pinky catches the ball with her
teeth. Oh
no! There is a hole in the ball. We can’t play with it now.
Pinky is very sad. She cries.
“I have not got any presents now,” she says. “There are no chocolates and
there is not a ball.”
“Please, don’t cry!” I say. “We can go and play in the garden. There are a lot
of apples on the grass. We can play with the apples”
We go to the garden and we play with the apples. When there is a hole in the
apple, we eat it up and play with another apple.
Pinky is happy now. She likes apples. They are red, you can play with them
and you can eat them.
1 Answer the questions.
1. What season is it?
2. Whose birthday is it?
3.What presents has Pinky got?
4.Has Mrs Paw got children?
5. What do the kittens drink?
6.Is there a hole in the ball?
2. What is it?
1. You can play with it but you can’t eat it.
2. You can play with it and you can eat it.
3. 3. You can drink it. It is hot. It is brown. You put sugar in it.
3 True or false?
1.It is Reddy’s birthday.
2. Blackie gives Pinky a box of chocolates.
3. Pinky catches the ball with her teeth.
4.There are a lot of balls on the grass.
5. Pinky likes lemons.
4 Fill in: have got, has got, is,are, am.
1.The apple___________ red. ;
2. The ball_______________a hole


Ответ дал: 04yuriy02


1. It is autumn.

2. It is Pinky's birthday.

3. Pinky has got two presents: Blackie's present (a small red ball) and my present (a box of chocolates).

4. Mrs. Paw has a baby son at home.

5. The kittens drink tea and eat chocolates.

6. Yes, there is a hole in the ball.



1. It is autumn.

2. It is Pinky's birthday.

3. Pinky has got a small red ball from Blackie and a box of chocolates from me.

4. Mrs. Paw has a baby son at home.

5. The kittens drink tea.

6. Yes, there is a hole in the ball.


1. It is a small red ball.

2. It is an apple.

3. It is tea.


1. False

2. False

3. True

4. False

5. False


1. The apple **is** red.

2. The ball **has** a hole.

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