Знайдіть продовження до перших п'яти речень з тих десяти #1 Alex is a polyglot and now he is said () #2 Alex has a dreadful habit of reading aloud and I can't stand his () #3 Alex was preparing for atrip to China and his boss got him () #4 You have visited China several times and you can't speak the language You might (.) #5. Has Alex ever studied any foreign language? -Yes, he() 1 seem to study Chinese in summer 2. to study Chinese every day 3. sure to study Chinese in the nearest future. 4. have studied Chinese there 5. has been studying Chinese since he returned from China 6. enjoy studying Chinese 7. to be studying Chinese 8. studying Chinese 9. had studied Chinese last year 10. to have been studied by Alex 3 years ago​


Ответ дал: 3dEwwik

Продовження до перших п’яти речень з тих десяти:

#1 Alex is a polyglot and now he is said to be learning a new language

#2 Alex has a dreadful habit of reading aloud and I can’t stand his voice

#3 Alex was preparing for a trip to China and his boss got him a Chinese phrasebook

#4 You have visited China several times and you can’t speak the language. You might want to consider taking a language course

#5 Has Alex ever studied any foreign language? -Yes, he has been studying Chinese since he returned from China

oniskivulia22: то не з тих десяти
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