Say that you (your friend) will also do it under certain conditions. Use the suggested words. Model: - Victor will go to Paris by plane. (to get a ticket) -I will also do there by planel get a ticket. 1. John will learn the poem by heart. (not to be tired) 2. Jane will go to the concert tonight. (to be free) 3. On Sunday our group will go on an excursion. (not to rain) 4. I will meet Ned at the station. (not to be busy) 5.1 will explam everything to Mary. (to see her)


Ответ дал: GGeldar


1. John will learn the poem by heart. (not to be tired) - I will also do it by heart if I am not tired.

2. Jane will go to the concert tonight. (to be free) - I will also go if I am free.

3. On Sunday, our group will go on an excursion. (not to rain) - I will also join if it doesn't rain.

4. I will meet Ned at the station. (not to be busy) - I will also meet him if I am not busy.

5. I will explain everything to Mary. (to see her) - I will also explain everything if I see her.

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