Complete the second sentence using the word in bold so that it means the same as the first one. Do not change the word in bold. Use no more than five words including the word in bold.

0. Can you tell me where the museum is? DIRECTIONS
Could you give me directions to the museum?

1. It's 3 months since he was a home. BEEN
He_____________three months.

2. When did you start watching this film? HOW
_____________watching this film?

3. She moved to that house five years ago. LIVING
She_____________for five years.

4. She's pretty sure he turned the oven off. REMEMBERS
He_____________before saying 'yes'. TWICE
I didn't_____________before saying 'yes'.


Ответ дал: daymoon77


He has been home for three months.

How long have you been watching this film?

She has been living in that house for five years.

He remembers turning the oven off.

I didn't think twice before saying 'yes'.


Dinka92725: спасибо большое
daymoon77: пожалуйста
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