Пожалуйста помогите очень надо!
Put the words in the correct order to make questions/ Сопоставте слова в правильно порядке, так чтобы получились вопросы.

1. work / does / your mum?
2. chess / your best friend / play / does?
3. do / speak / you / Russian?
4. go / you and your friends / do / to the cinema?
5. play / computer games / do / you?

Rewrite the sentences. Use the adverb of frequency in brackets.
Пример: I get erly on Sundays. (often)
I often get erly on Sundays.
1. I`m late for school. (never)
2. I speak English in English classes. (always)
3. I do my homework before dinner. (often)
4. I read a book in English. (hardly ever)
5. I help my friends with their homework. (sometimes)
6. I`m happy with my exam results. (usually)


Ответ дал: Tiger600
Does your mum work?
Does your best friend play chess?
Do you speak Russian?
Do you and your friends go to the cinema?
Do you play computer games?
I am never late for school.
I always speak English in English classes.
I often do my homework before dinner.
I hardly ever read a book in English.
Sometimes, I help my friends with their homework.
I am usually happy with my exam results.
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