3 Complete the sentences with the plural form of the word in brackets. 1 Have you got any black (T-shirt). 2 Mum's buying some (book) to take on our holiday. (baby). 3 Sam's got two sisters. They're 4 I need to buy some new 5 Look at these beautiful old 6 Please write your Do you know what I love doing? Watching 7 8 Mum, where are my blue There are lots of new 10 Do you have any digital 9 11 We've got three (clothes). (house). (address) on the forms. (skirt)? (shop) in our town. (watch)? (computer) in our house. (film)! поможіть будь ласка​



Ответ дал: maksbroska

1) Have you got any black T-shirts

2) Mum's buying some books to take on our holiday

3) Sam's got two sisters. They're babies

4) I need to buy some new clothes

5) Look at these beautiful old houses

6) Please write your addresses on the forms

7) Do you know what I love doing? Watching films

8) Mum, where are my blue skirts

9) There are lots of new shops in our town

10) Do you have any digital watches

11) We've got three computers in our house

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