C. Write this story, but do not put pictures par words. ******** * ing people work in it. They boring it, and then put it in tine One woman worked here for ten years, and then she said to her, "Why do we never your factory?' She of it while I'm working' One day he a tin of meat from and answered, 'I see enough of it while I am working.


Ответ дал: qarrikid2014


A factory hummed with activity as workers diligently went about their tasks. Their hands moved swiftly, crafting products that would soon find their way into households. Among them was a woman who had spent a decade within these walls, her dedication unwavering. One day, she turned to a colleague and asked, "Have you ever wondered why we never use the things we produce here?" She gestured towards the array of items being manufactured. Her colleague paused, gazing at the products. "I suppose I never really think about it while I'm working," he responded. That same day, during a brief break, he pulled out a tin of meat from his bag. As he peeled back the lid, he looked at it thoughtfully. "I guess I see enough of it while I am working," he mused.

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