1 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are four extra words. about take up train | crawl point | find out | warm up swinging off give up | workout | set off | wandering personal trainer 1 Zarina is excited. She's 2 Don't next time. 3 It's important to hurt yourself. 4 Aidana was mum's birthday. 8 5 Daniyar was on the to cancel. 6 I'm going for a 7 We to go paragliding for the first time. now. You're a great player. I'm sure you'll get on the team properly before you go for a run, or you might slowly round the shop looking for a present for her of leaving the house when Mr Ivanov phoned at the gym this afternoon. Do you want to join me? very early in the morning because we wanted to arrive before it got dark. I hope we 9 I haven't got time to tidy up now. I'm 10 My sister can't walk yet but she can. who won the competition soon. to school in a minute. really fast! / срочнооооо


Ответ дал: arsenospanov51


1. Zarina is excited. She's **set off** to go paragliding for the first time.

2. Don't **give up** next time. You're a great player. I'm sure you'll get on the team.

3. It's important to **warm up** properly before you go for a run, or you might hurt yourself.

4. Aidana was **wandering** round the shop looking for a present for her mum's birthday.

5. Daniyar was **swinging off** at the gym this afternoon. Do you want to join me?

6. I'm going for a **workout** now.

7. We **set off** very early in the morning because we wanted to arrive before it got dark.

8. I hope we **find out** who won the competition soon.

9. I haven't got time to tidy up now. I'm **crawling** to school in a minute.

10. My sister can't walk yet, but she can **crawl** really fast!


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