Kevin is the lak of the family and because of his
bed (ADJECTIVE) behavior at dinner, he gets sent to sleep in the go-rret
(TYPE OF ROOM). When the McCallisters' alarm clock doesn't go off they have to
went out (VERB-PAST TENSE) out of the house, to make it to the port (PLACE)
on time to go on their vacation - forgetting about Kevin! Kevin wakes up and
(VERB) his house for his family, but they are nowhere to be found!
(EXCLAMATION/NOISE), Kevin screams, as he is finally away from his
(NONE). He makes the best of the situation by
the bed,
(VERB-ING') candy, and
(VERB -ING') a movie where he
learns the phrase, "Merry Christmas ya filthy_
(NOUN)"! However, the fun
must stop when Kevin realizes he needs to
(VERB) his house from The… вставить слова по смыслу


Ответ дал: geniuskazakhstan


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Kevin is the *black sheep* of the family and because of his *bad* behavior at dinner, he gets sent to sleep in the *attic*.

When the McCallisters' alarm clock doesn't go off they have to *rush* out of the house, to make it to the *airport* on time to go on their vacation - forgetting about Kevin! Kevin wakes up and *searches* his house for his family, but they are nowhere to be found!

*Alone*, Kevin screams, as he is finally away from his *family chaos*. He makes the best of the situation by *jumping* on the bed, *eating* candy, and *watching* a movie where he learns the phrase, "Merry Christmas ya filthy *animal*"! However, the fun must stop when Kevin realizes he needs to *protect* his house from The...

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