6 as... as or not as...as? Rewrite the sentences with as... as or not as ... as.
1 My son is already the same height as me. My son is already as tall as me
2 Jill's more intelligent than Bill. Bill's .
Bill. ____me.
3 Spain's hotter than England.
England is ____ Spain
4 Are you and Pete the same age?
Are you _____ Pete?
5 You can read more quickly than I can.
I can't _____ you can.
6 She speaks good French and she speaks good Italian.
Her French is _____ her Italian.
7 Come and see me at the first moment you can.
Come and see me ______ possible.
8 Eva's work is better than mine.
My work is _____ Eva's
9 Dogs are friendlier than cats.
Cats are _____ dogs.
10 His mother is a better cook than him.
He can't cook ____ his mother.​


Ответ дал: Brolef

My son is already as tall as me.

Jill is not as intelligent as Bill.

England is not as hot as Spain.

Are you as old as Pete?

I can't read as quickly as you can.

Her French is not as good as her Italian.

Come and see me as soon as possible.

My work is not as good as Eva's.

Cats are not as friendly as dogs.

He can't cook as well as his mother.

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